24 September 2010

hit and run...

Firstly, sorry I haven't posted for a few days - I try to do it at least every other day, but sometimes things get busy. Not like anyone is reading this yet!  But I will try to be more consistent.

Today I was at the playground and I encountered what I call a "hit and run" mom.  I was sitting on a bench, nursing my son and there was another mom pushing her twins on a nearby swing.  Hit and run mom came over to the swing and pushed her child for about five minutes, during which the following remarks came out of her mouth:
"daycare?  I would never put my child in daycare.  I've been doing daycare my whole life."  (This said in response to nothing.)
To the mom of the twins "How old are they?  5 months?"  Reply - "They are 7 and a half." "wow - they sure are small"
To me "Is that a boy or a girl?"  "A boy." "You would never know in those pants and that shirt.  You dress him like a girl." (I was to surprised to answer, but in retrospect I wish I had said, yes, we are hoping he turns out to be a cross dresser.)
Her next remark "how old is he?"  By this point he had finished nursing and was scooting around the floor.
"9 months?  I guess he is just slow with his physical development."

By now I was almost laughing at her.  When this type of judgmental bullshit comes up, usually people are much more subtle.  After her barrage of insults ended, she immediately took her child and left the playground.  Who comes to the playground for five minutes, does this type of crap and leaves?  A hit and run mom.

It is natural to compare your child to other children.  It even is usual to say, "gee, their child is further along in _________", or to say "my child is so far ahead of them with ______." TO YOURSELF!  But out loud, this is some mean-spirited, crazy, rude shit.  Besides that, parenting is a tough job.  You have to respect your own decisions and your child's own pace of development.  Which means not judging other people's children and decisions.  Try supporting the other moms around you instead of trying to knock them down.  Come on.  How old are we?

Hopefully you will not encounter this type of crazy mom, but I think laughter is the best weapon against them.  If you have, post a comment about your experience.  

All the best 'til next time!


  1. Oooh, I can't wait to see that crazy at the park. She's all mine...

  2. lol. Let me know how it goes, Miss Viv.

  3. lol! Park Slope (Brooklyn) has its share of "hit n run" moms. I hope you get a chance to lay the cross dresser response on her!

  4. Dude! What a crackpot. These are the people that, uncharitably I'm sure, but whatever, renew my certainty that not EVERYONE should breed. Sheesh!

  5. Thanks, Barnacle Bertha, for the comment and for being the first to follow my blog. sure is sweet of you! Let me know how you found out about it, if you have the chance.

  6. @C - couldn't agree more. Birthing is a natural process, but parenting is an amazing adventure that takes mad skills.
