02 October 2010

stuck inside...

There will be days, of course, when you are stuck inside.  When your child is sick, when you are sick, when the weather is miserable.  This blog is supposed to be about having adventures, and that generally means getting out and about.  I firmly believe that is crucial to your sanity.  But what if your spirit is already crushed  and you can barely lift your head, never mind pack the diaper bag?  We all have those days, or at least I do and keep telling myself everyone else does.  So I joined a mom's group.  When others post on the board that they are going for a walk, it makes me want to go, too.  Having partners in crime makes everything easier, right? (Or at least it must make crime easier.  Otherwise why not keep all the loot for your self?)  Sometimes, to pull of the heist, you need someone with a different skill set.  Let's try an exercise.  Think of your most fun, wildest friend.  What would they do right now?  Call them.  right now.  I'll wait.  If you can't think of one, it may be because you are the wild one of your group.  find your connection to your pre-mom self - she's in there!

You know that saying all the advice you give others is really to yourself?  I might have just made that up, but it's true.  I need to take that advice, also.  So be gentle with yourself, and if you really are stuck inside for whatever reason, put on your wildest piece of clothing.  And dance to your favorite song from eighth grade.  If you can't remember, you can sing to your munchkin what I do to mine  - "I'm the One" by the Descendents.  (I change the lyrics a bit to "After all is said and all is done, I'm your mom!")  Then go take a nap the next time they do.  ummm... nap.  or put them in the crib and make yourself a cup of tea.  Good luck.


  1. Great advice T. I'm right there with you. Today when I got home, in fact, Zoe and I had dress up together and a tea party, after which we pulled weeds in the yard (one of our favorite activities together lately) whilst wearing our Farmer get-up (overalls,straw hat, bandanna, galoshes for me) and Snow White play dress for her. We let Audrey bounce around to Dead Can Dance and the Dead Milkmen in her space station (exersaucer). Man. I really do need to escape for a while soon though. =0)

  2. Thanks - I was worried I was getting a bit too optimistic and cheesy. But whatever it takes when it's one of those days, eh?
